Award-winning Sudzers Dark Matter Imperial Stout to be featured on tap at San Jose Cooperative Brewpub

At the San Jose Cooperative Brewpub‘s homebrew competition at KraftBrew Fest, it was announced that the club’s 2012 Dark Matter Imperial Stout, brewed by Keith, Steve, and Derek W on Thanksgiving weekend, won the award for best dark beer, but another brewer’s mead won the overall competition.

We just heard from the competition organizer that in fact there was an error and the Dark Matter was the grand prize winner of the competition! This means that the brewers will have the opportunity to brew it along with the Co-Op’s brewer, and the resulting beer will be on tap for the grand opening of the brewpub, anticipated to be in 2015. It should be fun to brew an even bigger batch, since our 20 gallon batch contained 90 pounds of fermentables, including an unholy 6 pounds of roasted barley, 4 pounds of black patent, and 4 pounds of chocolate malt (among other goodies).

Congratulations to the Sudzers, and thanks to all of the brewers of Dark Matters past in 2007, 2009, and 2011.

The mash tun was this full
The mash tun was this full
That there is a solid mash
That there is a solid mash

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