For our February meeting we presented the Brewer of the Year trophy and tasted six great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.
- The 2024 Brewer of the Year trophy was awarded to Allen Moore. Congratulations Allen!
- Club brew: several members got together Sunday, 1/19 at Nate’s place to brew the club beer. We ended up with close to 17 gallons in the fermentor. Thanks to everyone who showed up to help and a special thanks to Nate for hosting the brew and for the use of his brewing equipment. We’re planning to package the beer sometime later this month. For anyone interested in helping, the details will be worked out on Discord.
- The beers we tasted:
Brewer Beer Name Beer Style IBUs ABV Brewer Notes Adam + Maury Cider with nectarines 0 7.4 Sebastian piwo grodziskie 35 2.6 100% oak smoked wheat malt Kevin S schwarzbier 28 5.4 Peter Pray Redwood Amber 30 5.4 used redwood tree sprouts in mash and wirlpool Peter Pray Belgian Stout 40 7.6 Allen Barley wine 45 11.1
- Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at
- If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.
- All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at
- For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar: