November Sudzers meeting notes

Elections: Candidates are still needed for President/CEO, VP/COO, Treasurer/CFO, Secretary/Chief Communications Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Chief Events Officer. Email Derek at derek dot wolfgram at gmail dot com by December 1 if you’re interested in running. Homebrewer of the Year nominations should also be submitted to Derek by the same date. Elections will be held at the December 12 Christmas party at Gary & Adrienne’s house.

Upcoming Events:

  • Dark Matter bottling day, to bottle 30 gallons of the Club’s Dark Matter Russian Imperial Stout for distribution to paid club members, will take place December 5 at Mike C’s house in Aptos. Time is still TBD.
  • Christmas party will be December 12 at Gary & Adrienne’s house. The club will provide a turkey or ham, and sides will be potluck. The club jockey box will be set up if you want to bring kegs to share. There will also be a white elephant gift exchange – bring a beer-related gift under $15 to participate.

2016 meeting dates are set. We will be meeting the second Sunday of each month at 4 pm at Steins Beer Garden and Restaurant in Mountain View, with the exception of February, when we will meet on the 3rd Sunday due to schedule conflicts. Mark your calendar now for these dates:


The 2016 Christmas party date and location are TBD.

Homebrew sharing:

  • Rob’s Bitter
  • Charles Stevens’ Heretic wort/California Ale Yeast
  • Jim’s Heretic wort/Abbey Ale Yeast
  • Adam’s Saison with Hibiscus and Rose Hips
  • Charles Stauss’s Porter
  • Gary’s Porter with Blackberry
  • Derek W’s After Dark Chocolate Stout
  • Derek W’s Winter Warmer
  • Rob’s Gluten Free American No-Barley Wine
  • Marc André’s Citrawesome DIPA

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