May 2016 meeting notes

Mother’s Day pushed May’s meeting back an extra week, but it was well worth the wait. We saw some new faces and sampled thirteen delicious brews. Thanks to everyone who showed up, and see you next month!

– Derek W. was back and collected dues, sold t-shirts, and handed out Dark Matter.
– Jared passed out the experimental Saison yeast from Gigayeast. Thanks, Jared!
– We’ll be pouring at NCHF’s Hoppy Hour this year. This is a good chance to show off Sudzers’s best beers, so we’ll have a tasting the meeting before NCHF to determine what we’ll pour. Start thinking about what you want to brew!
– The Sudzers is teaming up with The Grain Trust to organize the Santa Clara County Fair homebrew competition. Derek W. sent out an e-mail with the info, so please let him know if you’re interested in helping to organize or judge.
– Sierra Nevada’s SF Beer Camp ( is June 18th. Reach out to Tim T. if you’re interested in meeting up with other Sudzers.
– The California Craft Beer Summit is September 8-10. More info can be found at
– Santa Cruz craft beer week is May 23-27. More info can be found at
– Congrats again to Charles for getting a first and second place at the first round of NHC!
– Sudzers Thirsty Third Thursday will be May 19th at Eureka in downtown Mountain View.

In all, we had thirteen brews:

BREWER        BEER                               IBUs  ABV
Tony          Interlude Saison                   15    7%
Don           Sunshine Belgian Blonde            23    7.5%
David         Bananas Brown Fruit Ale            30    7.3%
Jesse         Buzz Zed Cider                     -     7.8% 
David         Conanesque VPA                     65    6.1%
Paul          CASMO IPA                          -     6.8%
Steve H       Pine Tree IPA                      Lots  7%
Ron           Senior Smiley IPA                  62    6.5%
Derek         Schaberg Porter                    30    5.5%
David P       Milk Stout                         27    6.5%
Adam          White Chocolate Wheat Wine         -     9.8%
Guillaume     Insomnie Stout                     65    8%
Derek         German Barleywine                  80    10%

Guillaume was kind enough to share his Mad Frenchman Ale Works Belgian Dubbel recipe:

OG: 1.073
FG: 1.009
23.5 IBU
19.2 SRM

=== Grist ===
75.9% Belgian Pilsner
6.9% Aromatic
3.4% Special B
6.9% Candi Syrup Inc D-90
6.9% Pilocillo Sugar

=== Hops ===
German Magnum (10.5% AA) 1g/L target 21.4 IBU @60min
German Tettnang (3.7% AA) 1.5g/L whirlpool 10min

=== Fining ===
1 whirlfloc @ 15min

=== Yeast ===
Wyeast 3522 / Belgian Ardennes

=== Mash Schedule ===
75min @ 65C
20min @ 70C
20min @ 77C

=== Fermentation ===
Pitch cool at 15C and let rise
Hold at 23C for 14 days
When final gravity is reached, crash cool to 2C and hold for 7 days

Thanks to Steins and everyone that showed up. See you next month!

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